In a sense Canada has it all. It has great cities – Montréal and Vancouver being perhaps the best of a choice lot. In the immense countryside — skiing, sailing and wilderness viewing that goes on forever. Because it is so large visiting Canada all in one trip is a massive undertaking.

Over 5,000 Kilometres separate St. John’s, Newfoundland from Victoria, British Columbia (about the same distance separates London and Riyadh, or Tokyo and Calcutta).

To drive from one end of the country could take 7-10 days or more (and that assumes you’re not stopping to sight-see on the way). A flight from Toronto to Vancouver takes over 4 hours.

When speaking of specific destinations within Canada, it is better to consider its distinct regions.

In this quite vast country it has most things including, because of the French influence, some amazing restaurants. But, above all, because of its fixation on the healthy life, Canada has a range of spas almost unrivalled elsewhere.

If you know that people come from the United States (especially from California) to Canada for spa treatments – some on a regular basis – then you begin to understand the attractions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6112670