There are essentially only six types of cookies.  These are bars, refrigerator cookies, drop cookies, molded cookies, pressed cookies and rolled cookies.  Chewy cookies are often the bars and dropped cookies.

The others usually produce a crisp or crunchy cookie, although there are exceptions Drop cookies are also, perhaps, the quickest and easiest to make and can include both varieties.  Crunchy peanut butter or chewy chocolate chip for example.

The perfect cookie should have a good flavor and texture with a tender crumb unless it is a crispy variety.  Either way, the color and shape should be uniform.

When you are ready to bake cookies here are some tips to help.

Select pans of the proper size and shape. Cookie sheets or pans should be shiny and at least one inch smaller that the oven to allow for proper circulation of heat to ensure even baking.  If your pan is too large your cookies will burn on the bottom.  Avoid using pans with sides.  It this is all you have, turn the pan upside down and bake on the bottom, unless of course you are using a bar cookie recipe which requires sides. Sides reduce the flow of hot air and can result in burned or under cooked cookies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5223416